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The Emergency Room Visit

Updated: May 12, 2022

I'm not going to lie, I was a little frustrated that I had to take my husband to the hospital. I would never have admitted it then but I was being completely selfish. All I could think about was how long it was going to take and how I had to get up early in the morning and work. I couldn't call in because I had just been off for a week.

In the emergency room I sat there while my husband answered questions. Where did it hurt? How long had he been having this pain? Did it start in his legs or head first? What was he taking for the pain? Had he ever had these symptoms before?

He answered them. I wasn't surprised by the answers because I had been there with him. I wasn't surprised until I heard what he was taking for the pain. After all, we were on vacation. I knew he was taking ibuprofen and tylenol. But then he said, "Ibuprofen, tylenol, aspirin alternating 10 to 14 at a time every few hours". The doctor repeated my husband's answer. He was in disbelief as well. He examined Kelly. The minute I saw his stomach I knew it wasn't good.

He had petechia all over. How could I have missed this? How did I not realize my husband was in so much pain? There was a concern he had internal bleeding with so much blood thinning medication.

They did the bloodwork and ran a few tests. His white blood count was off the charts. They really didn't diagnose but instead gave him medicine for the pain and set him up with an appointment Monday afternoon. It was early Monday morning by the time we got home so we just tried to get some rest before the appointment.

My father-in-law came with us to the appointment. I didn't realize until later how important it was to have him there. The internist examined Kelly and looked over his labs from the previous night. He stated that they would need to run other tests and it was something they could either do outpatient or inpatient. My father-in-law stated he thought it was best for Kelly to be admitted. So Kelly and I ran home to get him a few things and made our way to the hospital where they admitted him.

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